
pediatrics department

Specialized Units:

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit The unit consists of 4 fully equipped beds at the highest level of care, supervised by a group of pediatric critical care professors.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
The unit consists of 5 fully equipped incubators at the highest level of care for handling newborns and premature babies, supervised by a group of neonatology professors

Inpatient Ward
The inpatient ward includes 40 beds for patients.

Outpatient Clinics: The clinics are divided into: – General Pediatric Clinics:   A clinic is available daily for general pediatric patients from 9am to      2pm.

 – Specialized Pediatric Clinics:   A weekly clinic is available for each specific pediatric specialty.

A weekly clinic is available for each specific pediatric specialty, including clinics for:
– Cardiology
– Pulmonolog
– Nephrology

– Gastroenterology and Hepatology

– Rheumatology and Immunology

– Hematology
– Genetics
– Neurology
– Endocrinology and Diabetes – Nutrition